1:1 Consulting to Build Your Therapy Private Practice as a Creative or Radical Therapist

Since I’m a major believer in the power of knowledge and self-education for figuring out how to do anything (and then doing it), I’ve been listening to, reading and learning from various private practice consultants and marketing experts since before I took the leap from working in a mental health agency into my own private therapy practice in 2018.

I know that private practice is the secret dream of so many amazing clinicians who are working hard in agencies and non-profits and living life paycheck-to-paycheck and constantly on the edge of burnout. And I know how to make that glorious transition because I’ve done it (without being supported by a spouse or family; all on my lonesome)! So I know that whoever you are and whatever your situation is, you can do it, too.

What I’ve found on the other side of that leap is so much more glorious, creatively liberating and deeply satisfying than what I could’ve ever imagined. And I’m passionate about helping gifted and amazing clinicians get there. I believe you’re going to have an even bigger impact when you step fully into your light, serving the people you were born to serve.

Even if you’re at the very beginning of your career and have never worked in mental health but know that you want to own and operate a private healing practice of some kind where you can thrive creatively and financially, giving your gifts to the world, I’m here to help you plot your course to get there. You’ve got this!

Moreover, as a shaman and poet (with a three-foot wide transgressive streak in her soul) who is also a therapist in private practice, I understand the unique difficulties of building a therapy practice of ethical and clinical integrity while also remaining wholly yourself, and never feeling like you have to hide your creative work or who you really are.

Oh! And here’s a sweet bonus you may not be aware of: As a business owner, all expenses that are related to building, nurturing and maintaining your business are tax deductible. That means that you can subtract whatever amount you spend on consulting from the taxes you’d end up paying as a business owner anyway. There’s no reason not to invest in yourself and your business to push things to another level!